Photobooks weekend

Photobooks weekend
Photobooks undoubtedly will rule in Krakow this weekend! So if you are going to stay in Krakow for the long weekend, we invite you to relax with books, especially with photobooks.

We started the photobook weekend with Masters Series meeting with: Łukasz Gorczyca and Adam Mazur, curators of Vistula: With and Against the Tide of Propaganda exhibtion and the authors of, led by Wojciech Nowicki, Photomonth Main Program curator.


On Saturday you have the chance to attend three meetings dedicated to the photobooks: at 5 p.m. the meeting and presentation of the book Halfway by Patryk Karbowski in Academy of Photography, at 6 p.m. the discussion panel: The Photobook in Poland with Łukasz Gorczyca, Rafał Milach, Anna Nałęcka and Wojciech Nowicki and at the end the meeting with authors of the next publication of Sputnik Photos led by Rafał Milach.


But this is not the end of meetings on photobooks! We'll meet with Yulia Krivich, laureate of ShowOFF Section, on Sunday in Pauza In Garden at 1.30 p.m. You can't miss it!


And if you're looking for photobooks for yourself, you must visit our shop in the Festival Centre (3a Szczepanski square).

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